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Sunday, November 19, 2017

How to Get Through NaNoWriMo (Alive and in One Piece!)

    I haven't been posting because I've been so busy with NaNoWriMo -- that's National Novel Writing Month. Find more about it here. Even though November is over halfway through, that doesn't mean that NaNoWriMo participants are stopping: in fact, this is probably just making us write more (fun fact: I upped my goal from 1,667 words per day to 2,000). So how do you get through NaNoWriMo alive and with a finished novel? Here's a blog post on it!

Take breaks.
   Yes, yes, I know you're trying to write 50,000 words by November 30th, but you shouldn't run yourself into the ground trying to write 3,000 words a day or something. That will only bring you tears.

Take care of yourself.
    Please, get some sleep. Especially if you have a busy schedule or have school or work. And eat too. Just because you're trying to write a novel in 30 days doesn't mean that you have to neglect everything else.

Set goals.
    Sometimes you fall behind where you're supposed to be, and that's okay. If you are actually trying to finish by November 30th, you might want to make up for this by writing a bunch on a day when you know you can (I once went from 13,138 words to 18,000 words in less than 24 hours).

    I'm not one for plotting out my stories, but I do keep a document called "Plot" that has any notes I want to make to myself about what's going to happen later in the story. I also have similar documents called "Characters" and "Settings."

Don't stress.
    I know you might want to, but it will only bring strife.

If you have writer's block, don't keep writing.
    Seriously!! You will not write anything good if you do!!

    Thanks for reading this post! It will probably be the last one until December. Now I'm off to go write more.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Hamilton Book Tag!

    As some of you may know, I am currently obsessed with Hamilton. If you don't know what that is, it is a very popular Broadway musical by Lin Manuel Miranda about founding father Alexander Hamilton, from his childhood up until his death by rival Aaron Burr. Anyway, when I found out there was a Hamilton book tag, I just had to do it! Because it is my first time doing a book tag, it might not turn out amazing, but here it is!
Be warned: spoilers ahead!!

You guys, I've got to say Harry Potter! I love Hogwarts, I love the magic, and I would definitely enjoy all the food! I think I would even do Hogwarts homework without complaining because I feel like even that would be fun.

    There are so many underrated female characters ("and Peggy!") but I'm going to go with Marlee from the Selection series, by Kiera Cass, which you should definitely read if you haven't already. She is so brave and strong from the second book onward, and really matured after what happened in The Elite. And she also proves how strong love is.

    Aelin Ashryver Galathynius from Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass series, of course! She wants freedom? Boom, done. Revenge for her friend being murdered? Finished before you can say bad idea. A desire to eat chocolate cake at two in the morning? You can bet she'll sneak of to the kitchens to get some, or just get a servant to do it for her!

There are several that I have in mind, but I've got to go with Hazel and Augustus from The Fault in our Stars (I mean come on, who didn't cry!?) and Celaena and Chaol from Throne of Glass. The latter used to be my OTP until they (SPOILER!) found other people, but how they broke up was completely uncalled for.

    I'm drawing a blank here so I'm just going to go with Snape from Harry Potter. If you have a better one, please leave a comment!

    How about THE ENTIRE A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES SERIES!!?? Literally the entire second and third books I was screaming and crying and throwing the book.

    Definitely The Lunar Chronicles, by Marissa Meyer. If you like sci-fi and dystopian, you should totally read this series!!

    Every Soul A Star. If you have not read it yet, what are you doing?

    Even though I already said Harry Potter, I'm going to say it again for this one because it feels like it's already a classic!

    I'm still not over Fred's death in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Killing 1/2 of a twin, THAT IS LOW DOWN!!

    What are your answers to these questions? Leave a comment below; I'd love to hear it!!