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Monday, August 28, 2017

The Fault in YA

    Sometimes I really enjoy reading YA books, but other times, I feel like I'd rather stick to classics. Here are some problems I have with YA:

 No diversity.
    In a lot of the YA I've read (especially dystopian) have white, middle class, straight teenagers. I mean, not everyone is like that, so come on! Incorporate a little diversity into your book for the people that are not white, straight, and middle class! 

The romance.
    I think I said something to this extent in my These Broken Stars Review, and how that relationship was forced. But I still haven't read a book where the main character doesn't fall in love. Yes, I understand that YA is geared towards teens and young adults, and I understand that most teens and young adults are in relationships, but that does not mean that 100% of teens and young adults are. I have no problem with romance, I like reading romance, but sometimes I just want the main character to not find their "one true love" when they are a junior in high school. 
    In addition, a lot of plots center around the love triangle, which I absolutely hate. I once read a book where there was a girl having to choose between like 3 different guys who were all jerks. And it's like, this girl is sixteen or seventeen and she's choosing which boy she wants to be with for the rest of her life. 

The mystery in the romance.
    In a lot of books the main character notices the love interest and because the love interest is such a big mystery, the main character falls in love with them. What ends up happening is the main character falls in love with this idea of a person built upon the mystery surrounding them, so by the time the love interest isn't a mystery anymore (and in fact, is often revealed to be a jerk), the relationship falls apart.

Gorgeous characters.
    There's nothing wrong with having a character that is good-looking, but not every teen has to look like a model with absolutely no effort. Even in dystopian societies where the majority of people can barely afford to find something to eat, and yet are insanely beautiful. And even if the character thinks they don't look good, it's obviously clear that they do. 

    What are your problems with YA? 

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