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Friday, October 27, 2017

Halloween Books to Read if You Don't Like Horror

    I always want to get into the spirit of Halloween and read some Halloween books, but I don't like to read horror. I get scared easily and have an overactive imagination and you can bet when I'm trying to fall asleep I'll start thinking about that time when the character heard footsteps behind them and no one was there. If you're like me and can't stand horror, I've compiled a list of books to read during October. And if you do like horror, feel free to comment your favorite horror book!

  • Ghosts, by Raina Telgemeir (middle grade)
    When sisters Cat and Maya move to a new town in Northern California, they realize that there are ghosts in their town.
(Scare factor: the ghosts are more cute than scary)

  • The Shiver trilogy, by Maggie Stiefvater (YA)
    When Grace Brisbane discovers that the wolves that live in the woods by her house are werewolves, her life changes forever.
  • The Raven Cycle, by Maggie Stiefvater (YA)
    Blue Sargent, the ungifted daughter of a psychic, encounters four boys who are searching for an ancient medieval king, Owen Glendower.
(The photo features the Shiver trilogy and The Raven Cycle, as well as The Scorpio Races, also by Maggie Stiefvater, but not included in this list)

  • The Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling (all ages)
    The series follows the adventures of Harry Potter, a wizard, from the time he is eleven until he is seventeen and his quest to defeat Lord Voldemort.
(The photo doesn't contain the whole series, and the quote on the bookmark is wrong, but you get the idea)

    I hope you enjoyed my list of books to read around Halloween time if you don't like horror. If you have any other books that you think I should have included, feel free to leave a comment!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

My Writing

    As some of you may know, one of the things I like to do when I'm not reading is write. In fact, I used to have another blog where I shared my writing. 
    I've recently been working on a story that is still untitled, but I figured I share the first part of it on my blog. It's not very long, and I will continue to post more of it if people seem to like it. Anyway, without farther ado, here it is: 

    The first to awake was the Universe. She came to one day and felt around for what there was. All she could feel were trillions and trillions of light years of blank, empty space. The Universe wondered why there was no one else here with her, but after thinking, she decided she liked being alone and retreated deep into herself, not giving anything much thought for a long time.
    Eventually, the Universe became alert again and thought about companionship. This time, she realized that she really was quite lonely and wanted someone to endure the cold, empty silence with her. And the Universe knew that to create, she must give up a small piece of her energy to do it. She was reluctant at first, however after pondering the matter she decided to go through with it. The only problem was, she didn't know what to create.
   She wanted something that was as bright she was dark, as talkative as she was silent, and perhaps a little bit less mysterious that she herself was. And so the Universe created the first star, which was everything she wanted, and she could hardly feel the drain on her energies. 
    That first star was known as Atlas. The Universe loved Atlas dearly, but she was unable to take a form other than the darkness surrounding Atlas. One day, the Universe gathered up her courage and said,
    "This will never work out. Look! I created to to be everything I am not. You are light, I am dark. You are small, I span billions of trillions of light years in each direction. I cannot manifest in a form similar to yours. It would be better to spare the heartbreak and end our relationship now. I can create for you another star, or perhaps something else. Anything will be better than me."
    Atlas was torn and refused to comply, but the Universe withdrew and wouldn't talk or interact with Atlas. She spent her time creating stars, galaxies, and planets, all of which had a human-like form to appear in. She did this and more, and the creating took up her time and energy. The Universe began to feel weaker and took to resting while she was not creating. Atlas, however, became cold and impassive, perhaps almost cruel, and denied any attempts other stars and planets made to pursue him. The Universe, growing ever more silent and weaker by the day, did not notice Atlas' unhappiness, nor his growing hatred for everything that the Universe had created: all the galaxies, stars, planets, and asteroids. It's like she doesn't care anymore, Atlas thought bitterly. Like we never loved each other. 
    Meanwhile, the Universe appeared to the constellations of the Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. 
    "My powers are becoming weaker by the day. Everything that I have created demands so much energy. Don't worry, everything will be fine," she added as Cancer began to panic. "It's just that I conserve more energy if I rest."
    "Yes, but why are you telling us this?" asked Sagittarius. 
    "I am going to sleep for eternity," replied the Universe. 
    "Eternity?" gasped Capricorn.
    "Eternity," replied the Universe. "And so I need you to rule in my place. I know you will be just and good. I have been observing you for quite some time now." And there was a great tremor throughout the entire Universe as she went to sleep.

    I hope you enjoyed the first snippet of my story! Please leave a comment below telling me if you would like me to continue posting it here! Thanks!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Every Soul A Star Book Trailer

    If you've read all my blog posts, you'd know that I absolutely love the book Every Soul A Star and think that everyone should read it. So of course when the opportunity presented itself, I made a book trailer for it! In addition, I have the image links below the trailer.

Image Links:
  • The music was prerecorded from WeVideo

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Three Dark Crowns Review

   As promised on my One Dark Throne Unboxing post, I have a review of Three Dark Crowns up, but instead of adding a summary, I made a book trailer. The images used in the trailer are not mine, and so at the bottom of the post I'm going to include all the links just so I make it clear I'm not plagiarizing. 

Three Dark Crowns
Author: Kendare Blake
Publisher: HarperTeen


My thoughts:
   Overall, I really enjoyed this series! I think it had a bit of a slow start in the first book, but the pace got a lot faster as the book went on. I liked the characters a lot, but I feel like Katharine changed a lot from the first to second book and the change was rather abrupt. 
    I also thought that the ending was kind of anticlimactic, but I did like that there was a lot of action and suspense before the ending. I also had several guesses about how the book was going to end but it ended up being completely different than what I had originally guessed. 
    This book is a YA book, but I think that if middle grade readers wanted to read this book, they could, however they should be warned that this book is rather morbid. 
    Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

Links to the images on the trailer:
The music on the trailer was one of the prerecorded ones on WeVideo.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

How to Take A Library Book Jacket Off

    It's a fact of life that buying books are so much more efficient if you get them from library book sales. But they always have stickers on them and the library book jacket isn't very photogenic. So, having recently figured out how to take it off, I made a tutorial video showing how to do it. Enjoy!