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Thursday, December 28, 2017

R.I.P. It Or Ship It Book Tag

    For my next post, I decided to do a book tag. I was browsing a list and saw one called the R.I.P. It Or Ship It book tag. Basically, you just get a bunch of character names (they don't have to be from the same book or series) and put the names in a cup or hat or whatever works for you. Then, you draw two names and share if you ship it (wanting characters to be together) or not (hence the R.I.P. part of the tag). So without farther ado, here it is:

  1. Tamlin from A Court of Thorns and Roses and Snape from Harry Potter  BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! If you've read both books, just... just picture that and... okay, I don't ship it, so it's a R.I.P. it from me.
  2. Katharine from Three Dark Crowns and Feyre from A Court of Thorns and Roses                         You know, actually, I can picture it... kind of. Maybe Feyre from the first book, but not from the second and third ones. So... ship it, I guess? It's better than Feyre and Tamlin, that's for sure! 
  3. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter and Maxon from The Selection                                            I can kind of picture it. Maybe it would work out, maybe it wouldn't... so I guess it's undecided.
  4. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games and Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter                      Yeah, no. Just, no. I feel like Katniss would murder Luna. It's definitely a R.I.P. it.
  5. Harry Potter from, well, Harry Potter and Murtagh from The Inheritance Cycle                           Oh man, Harry would annoy Murtagh SO MUCH. Can you imagine? Definitely a R.I.P. it.
  6. America Singer from The Selection and Eragon from The Inheritance Cycle.                                 Nope. America would absolutely detest Eragon. R.I.P. it.
  7. Inej from Six of Crows and Celaena from Throne of Glass                                                               Actually, I think it would work out. Yeah. They'd totally bond over knife throwing techniques. I like this way better than Celaena and Dorian. I ship it.
  8. Eadlyn Schreave from The Selection and Kai from The Lunar Chronicles.                                     No way would this happen. Eadlyn would hate Kai so much. R.I.P. it.
  9. Grace Brisbane from the Shiver trilogy and Kile Woodwork from The Selection                             I ship it. I feel like they'd totally get along. That is, if they were both single. I think that if they were both dating they'd also make great friends.
  10. Edward Cullen from Twilight and Cassian from A Court of Thorns and Roses                                *falls on the floor and dies laughing* R.I.P. it. But it would be funny to watch.

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