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Monday, June 26, 2017

How to Get Over A Book Hangover

    We've all been there. You finish a book and close it. You sit there with your eyes closed and think about what just happened. And that's fine and good, and maybe even beneficial, but sometimes you've got to say, enough is enough! Especially if this is getting in the way of starting another book, or even continuing your daily life. Here's what I mean: sometimes going back to your normal day-to-day life after finishing a book that kept you up at night and scrambling to finish all of your tasks so you have time to read feels a little surreal. What is there to look forward to? This, my friends, is called a book hangover (in case you didn't know). They're pretty much unavoidable (unless, of course, you don't read). So how can you get over them?

You could always reread (maybe not such a good idea).
    But of course, that would not only make you think even more about the book and analyze it more deeply, it would also make it harder to climb out of the book hangover (trust me, I've experienced this after finishing A Court of Wings of Ruin. Also A Court of Mist and Fury). So I don't really recommend this type of thing unless you are aiming to think about this book for the rest of your foreseeable future.

Take a walk, clear your head.
Seriously, it is cliched advice, but it works. Walk your dog (that might distract you if your dog needs to be closely monitored lest they try to kill everything they see), bring some earbuds and listen to music, maybe just walk and observe what's going on around you. It will help take your mind off of the book.

Do not -- and I mean it -- try reading something else!!!
I cannot stress this enough! If you try reading another book when you're already on a book hangover, the book will seem awful because you are still thinking about that other book (unless you've got some sort of magical booknerd powers. If you do, I am jealous. Very jealous).

Give it time.
You know this book hangover isn't going away for a while, so just give it time. Step away from this book/series and go back to your normal life. For example, have you been binge reading a series and not had enough time for your family? Perhaps the first thing to do would be to call or talk to your family and make plans to spend more time with them. Or if you've been neglecting the cleanliness of your house, go clean it. After a while, this book will not be taking over your life anymore. At first, this might seem a little weird, but as you adjust, it will all seem normal again.

Continue talking about it.
Get it out of your system. Take pictures and post them on your Bookstagram (Instagram for books), Twitter, Facebook, etc. You might find someone who's been raving about these books like you have and you'll be able to connect with them about it. And if you're currently obsessing over a book that none of your followers have read, perhaps you'll get them to read it (this also happened after I started continuously posting about A Court of Thorns and Roses, A Court of Mist and Fury, and A Court of Wings and Ruin). Or if you don't have social media, just talk about it among your friends and family. It will either help or get you more obsessed. 

Write a review or mini review.
Even if you're not very good. Even if you don't share it anywhere or with anyone. Maybe writing a review will give you a sense of closure that the other things don't. 

Finally, when you are over that particular book, start a new one.
And let the cycle begin anew.

    I hope you liked this post on how to get over a book hangover. I invite you to share your stories or tips in the comments! Any and all ideas will be appreciated!!

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