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Thursday, June 22, 2017

My New Release TBR

  So Many Books, So Little Time


It's a mantra all of us bookworms will repeat time after time. Thanks to authors who keep coming out with new books, we continuously revise our TBRs (What's a TBR? Find out here) to accommodate for that new book in a series that continues off that last book, which was left on a cliff hanger (yeah, I'm talking about you, Sarah J. Maas). So that is why I have made a TBR of new release books. I definitely will not get to them all this summer at the rate that new ones keep coming out!

  • The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas 
  • Eliza and her Monsters, by Francesca Zappia
  • Hunted, by Meagan Spooner
  • Roseblood, by A. G. Howard
  • Wintersong, by S. Jae-Jones
    If you have any other suggestions feel free to comment below! 
    What's your new release TBR?

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