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Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Hey, no one ever said being a bookworm was easy.

When you're at a bookstore but don't have enough money to buy everything you want.
Or even worse, when you have no money.

When you just want to finish that book but your life gets in the way.
Especially when you have other books that are required reading.

 When you realize books aren't waterproof.
Reading while walking just isn't possible when it's raining.

When you're accused of being "antisocial."
Because being on your phone isn't antisocial either.

When you just want to read that one book, but it hasn't been released yet.
I think we've all felt the pain and suspense.

"So many books, so little time"
Or the opposite: "not enough books to satisfy my cravings."

When you stay up late or all night trying to finish a book.
You'll be regretting that decision the next morning when you can barely function. Or not. Hey, you proved that one person who said you couldn't finish the book by tomorrow wrong!

"Why can't that character be real?"
"Why can't I live in that world?"

When you forgot your library card at home.
"That's okay, I just memorized the barcode."

What are your #bookwormproblems? Share below in the comments!


  1. I don't think its anti-social to be a book worm if you are reading books with other people. Then you can discuss them in a group setting - what can be more social than that?

    1. Sometimes if I'm reading at a social event I'll be told that I'm being antisocial... and yet my point was that other people sit around on their phones all the time at those same social events... But I do agree, sometimes reading can be super social if you are then going to talk about it.

    2. I totally agree and understand that somehow it is strange to be perceived as being antisocial when reading a book but not when on a phone. Do you think it is because people assume that if you are looking at a phone, you must be on social media, which is perceived as being social? It would be interesting what kind of response you would get, if you were reading at a social event on an e-reader.

    3. I do think that people assume you're on social media, but you could be interacting with people you don't know, when you could be interacting with family or friends. I think it would be cool to try reading on your phone and see if people say anything to you about it; maybe I'll try it sometime!
